Captology Video Shorts

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B.J. Fogg's students at Stanford have created a fun set of short videos about the use of persuasion in popular Web 2.0 sites. The videos are here:

I have only watched a small set of the videos, but I particularly enjoyed ShaneWalker112's piece on starting up a social network on sites like Videos about Web sites can be dull, but ShaneWalker112 uses Lionel Richie tunes to nice comedic effect. Overall, I was very impressed by the quality and information content of the videos that I watched.


Larry King has never used the Internet, doesn’t want to

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Larry King admits he's never used the Internet, and doesn't want to. "The wife loves it. I wouldn’t love it. What do you punch little buttons and things?"

I think it's great for people in the computer field to understand there are those who don't use computers and don't want to.

He may be missing out, though. He asks, "The Internet as a political medium viable?" Well I think probably yes.



Can the US government can subpoena a person’s location history from their cell phone company?

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I came across this article by Mark D. Rasch, J.D., a former head of the Justice Department's computer crime unit, who now serves as a lawyer specializing in computer crime, computer security, and privacy matters. He explains how it is easy for the US government to subpoena a person's location history from their cell phone company:

…I had long wished that somebody from the legal community would weigh in on this– thanks Mark!

The value of investing in HCI: a practical example from the world of NCAA football

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I'm interested in ways to communicate the value of investing in HCI to business leaders. Here's a nice story that the non-technical person can relate to, it shows how the failure to consider HCI factors led to some regrettable calls in last year's NCAA championship football game: